
Nigeria is not close to any active plate borders. The mid-Atlantic Ridge, an underwater mountain range that runs down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, is the closest plate boundary. The South American Plate and the African Plate are separated to the east with this ridge, and the North American Plate and the Eurasian Plate to the west. Nigeria is mostly located on the African Plate, a segment of the tectonic plate that makes up the broader African continent. It's important to note that even though Nigeria is not directly on an active plate boundary, the region can still experience seismic activity and volcanic activity. 

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  1. Interesting tectonic setting!-I'm curious of what you'll discover about its seismicity and how it all is connected!

  2. Hey Evelyn, I found your post this week to be very informal and I felt as if it transitioned from "Blog #1" into this second blog. I enjoyed the visuals you used and I look forward to how you continue to get into deeper detail about Nigeria.


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